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This colourful wall frieze is perfect for any primary school classroom and after-care facility.

Number lines are the first step in thinking mathematically.

One driving goal for primary school mathematics education is to help children develop a rich understanding of numbers – their meanings, their relationships to one another, and how we operate with them.

In recent years, there has been growing interest in mathematical models as a means to help children develop such number sense.

Number lines are instrumental in helping children develop structures – or ways of seeing – mathematical concepts.


This number line wall frieze can be used in parts (0-20, 21-40, 41-60, etc.) or complete (0-120).

Each unit is indicated and numbered on the number line.

Every 10 units are colour-coded with a different colour on the number line.

Wall Frieze - Number Line

  • • 1 Number Line 0-120 wall frieze

  • 148 x 3364mm

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