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Let’s compare and weigh things!


Balance Scale helps students gain a visual understanding of weight and comparison.


This durable plastic Balance Scale features detachable and graduated translucent 1000ml bowls.


Sliding compensators for calibration allow for more accurate measurement.

Easy to assemble.


Instructions included.


Age 4+


* Use with our 32 piece Bear Pair Weights for fun and colourful lessons. Bear weights: Baby=4g, Mama=8g, Papa=12g. Sold separately.

Smart Balance Scale

  • • 2 Translucent 1000ml graduated bowls
    • 2 Bowl hangers
    • 1 Baseplate
    • 1 Upright stand
    • 1 Crossbeam with sliding compensators and hooks
    • Instructions

  • Heavier than / Lighter than
    Bring an assortment of objects to the classroom – (leaves, seeds, sand, coins, stones etc.)
    Select 2 different objects and ask the children which will be lighter or heavier than the other.
    Place the objects in the bowl and check your answer.

    Balanced / Equal / Same
    • Count aloud as you drop Counting Cubes into one bowl.
    • Count aloud as you drop Counting Cubes into the other bowl.
    • When the same number of Counting Cubes is in each bowl, the scale will balance. (5=5)
    • Equal sign (=).

    • Place 7 Counting Cubes in one bowl and 4 in the other.
    • While counting, add cubes to the other bowl.
    • When both bowls hold 7 cubes, the scale will balance (7=7).
    (I started with 4 cubes. How many more did I add until the scale balanced? 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7)

    More activities are available in the instructions included.

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